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Grail Tone Articles & Reviews

Guitar product reviews focusing specifically on products that affect great guitar tone.

Audiofanzine Gear Reviews

02/11 - Sonic Anomaly QuadraCom - Love it
02/04 - Lexicon MX200 - Lexicon mx200 great effects unit
02/02 - fiio Fiio K5 Pro ESS - very nice DAC and headphone amp
01/31 - Novation A-Station - Nice little beast, sounds great
01/29 - Cort Earth1500 - What a find. It is a relatively close copy of a Martin D41 with outline hexagon abalone!
01/16 - Vester MOD 800 - Cannot tell the difference between from the Gibson ES335
01/16 - Ernie Ball Classic Instrument Cable Straight/Straight 10' - Could be better for 20?
01/15 - Marantz PM 350 - Very good bang for the buck. Shows how good cheap old gear cam be...
12/14 - Hermann Seib Wavesim - Poor emulation of a great synth
12/07 - Audio-Technica AT-LP60BT - Great affordable phono

Guitar Gear Reviews

MXR Carbon CopyMXR Carbon Copy
Digitech GSP1101 Part 2Digitech GSP1101
Digitech GSP1101Digitech GSP1101
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2Plus & ACVoodoo Lab Pedal Power 2Plus & AC
X2 Digital XDS95 24-Bit Digital Wireless Instrument SystemX2 Digital XDS95 24-Bit Digital Wireless Instrument System
Planet Waves Auto-Trim Tuning MachinesPlanet Waves Auto-Trim Tuning Machines review
Pumaman's Custom Pedal BoardPuma Board Pedal Board review
Auralex GRAMMA ReviewAuralex GRAMMA review
Godlyke Power-All ReviewGodlyke Power-All review
PedalTrain ReviewPedalTrain Pedal Board review
Weber MiniMass ReviewWeber MiniMass Review - follow on to previous review
Line6 Verbzilla ReviewLine6 Reverb pedal
George L's Cable kit ReviewBuild custom length cables
Randall RT2/50 ReviewChannel switching power amp
Peterson StroboStomp ReviewPedal tuner
SM57 e609 ComparisonComparing Shure SM57 and Sennheiser e609 mics
Randall RM50HBReview of the Randall RM50HB modular amp
Mesa Boogie Lone Star SpecialReview of the Mesa Boogie Lone Star Special
Fulltone OCDReview of the Fulltone OCD
Pedal Snake G2Review of the base PedalSnakeG2
Catalinbread Super Charged OverdriveDistortion box from Catalinbread
Sennheiser E609 SilverAlternative to SM57 for guitar cab micing
Weber Economy MiniMass AttenuatorAttenuator specifically designed for the Fender Champ
Jacques Fuse Blower 2Jacques Stompboxes Distortion Pedal
Line6 GuitarPortLine6 GuitarPort
Everly StringsEverly Music's B-52 Rocks
Maxon OD808Maxon OD808 Tubescreamer

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